The previous article described the background of the idea for creating the Scratch Me extension. The first version of the plugin was a prototype working on the principle of adding a button to each Facebook post and showing the extracted data. In the second stage of developing the plugin, we focused on its integration with the Copper CRM system. In the following article, you can read how to configure and use the Scratch Me extension.
How does the extension work?
As you know, the extension adds a „Scratch Me” button to every Facebook post in a group. The new version of the plugin displays a window with the form, where you have three options: send the extracted data to Copper CRM, display it as JSON or cURL.

By selecting the Copper CRM option, you receive additional fields that you should complete. After data configuration, you check the connection with Copper by clicking "Test connection". If the plugin is connected correctly, the "Save connection" button will be unlocked to use. The next time you send data to the system, the connection settings will be configured by default. However, you will be able to edit the data and test the connection again.

When the connection with Copper is configured, the plugin will display "pipeline" and automatically check if the author (contact) of the post already exists in the CRM system, if necessary, automatically save the user or display a list of people saved in Copper.

Before sending data to the Copper, indicate one item from the "pipeline" and select the user (if the user already exists in the system).
Scratch Me allows you to edit the data before sending it to the system. When all data is correct, you can click on the "Send to Copper" button and the data will be sent to the system.

After setting up the connection, you can use the extension in just 3-4 clicks. All data is completed as automatically as possible and prepared to be sent. Integration with other CRM systems is planned in the future, we are open to your proposal. If you are interested in this kind of project, contact us.
The previous article described the background of the idea for creating the Scratch Me extension. The first version of the plugin was a prototype working on the principle of adding a button to each Facebook post and showing the extracted data. In the second stage of developing the plugin, we focused on its integration with the Copper CRM system. In the following article, you can read how to configure and use the Scratch Me extension.